Saturday, December 8, 2007

Sew What???

Have I mentioned that I am a pattern-a-holic? I think different crafters have their various "stashes". Often with knitters and crocheters, it is yarn. Mine - patterns. Any - sewing, crocheting, sometimes even knitting.

And the cheaper the better. I get antsy whenever Hancock Fabric has its 99 cent patterns days and I miss it. Which... is pretty often. I don't have room to set up my sewing machine or serger, and some damned logical part of my brain keeps telling me "You need to sew at LEAST one of the ones you have."

It is kind of funny that crochet patterns are addictive for me as well, because a lot of times I just use them as guidelines, and don't follow them all the way. "Well, I like this general idea, but I can't get the gauge right, so let's wing it." Blankets, camisoles, heck, even coffee cozies for those expensive coffee drinks from stores. All on a whim.

Anyway, if you like free, here is a site with free sewing patterns from various companies I thought you might not have found.

If you like the European stylings of Burda, here is a site where you can buy a lot of the patterns in their magazine. There are some freebies as well. I just wish their sizes ran larger.,1333669-1413205,enEN.html

This weekend I hope to make a dent on what I have left on the big granny-square baby blanket, as well as get a stack of comics read. Hope you are productive with your day!

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